Tag Archives: trimester

Isn’t Lamaze a Funny Breathing Technique?

Lamaze childbirth classes have been around since our parents gave birth to us. While hearing about a brand from our parents helps us with awareness, it’s not the best marketing. Like all brands that have been around for 50 years, Lamaze has made some updates over time. Actually, your mother who told you to take a Lamaze class would not even recognize the modern class if she went to one today.

From previous generations, we hear our mothers talk about how different breathing techniques were taught as the dominant strategy for coping with labor. However, based on research, Lamaze now states that breathing techniques are not evidence-based comfort measures. Now women taking a Lamaze class are encouraged to breathe either normally or to mindfully practice slow, deep breathing in labor. More importantly, breathing is not even emphasized as a major comfort measure. Labor management techniques rely more on relaxation, labor position, movement, and physical support from the people supporting you at your birth.

Speaking of breathing techniques being removed based on research and evidence, did you know that Lamaze is up-to-date in scientific research? By constantly updating its educators with the latest research, Lamaze is easily the most current childbirth education class you can take!

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To learn more about the myths of Lamaze, stop by the myths section on their website! Lamaze Myths